Nora Brennan, '27
Christopher Brennan is a pilot who currently works for United Airlines. Previously, Brennan worked in the Air Force from 1994-2020 as well as Boeing from 2005-2020. He was on reserve in the Air Force while he worked for Boeing, which allowed him to do both. To gain some insight into this field of work, I asked him some questions about being a pilot.
-What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen in the sky during a flight?
A gold number 5 birthday balloon at around 10,000 feet, which usually don’t get that high in the air. Also, some really long-lasting shooting stars.
-How long did it take you to train to become a pilot?
To get a private license and fly small airplanes took 4 months. And I did 2 years of military jet training for the Air Force.
-Why did you want to become a pilot?
I didn’t want to work in an office. I’ve always enjoyed flying and felt like it was a great profession that I could have fun and enjoy doing for a living. It also allowed me the bonus of seeing the world.
-Why did you want to join the AirForce?
It’s a highly coveted skill that the military trains you in, and it gave me good experience to start a flying career. My dad was also in the Air Force, which made me want to continue the legacy. It was also a way to give back and serve the country to appreciate the freedom we have.
-What special perks do you get?
I get free standby travel for my family, and I’m guaranteed to see the sun while working. It’s also not the same thing every day. I can choose to fly to different cities or different climates.
-What’s different about flying for different companies, United vs the Air Force?
Each has a different end goal. The military is about protecting the national interest of our country, while United is about safely taking people from point A to B while trying to make a profit.
-What plane do you like flying the best?
I’m biased to my C-130 flying days as my favorite airplane to fly. We did so many different missions/flights on that airplane, which is why it made it so interesting.
-Have you ever been in an emergency situation where you had to do something to save the plane?
Yes, we were flying over the Gulf of Mexico, and the airplane got struck by lightning and lost some key components. This caused some electrical problems with the plane, but we were able to make it to a military base in New Orleans and safely land the plane.
-Are you allowed to go to the bathroom during the flight?
Yes we are, but there’s a procedure the crew has to follow. One of the flight attendants has to block the aisle with the food cart, and another looks down the aisle behind the cart. One of the flight attendants also has to come into the cockpit, because there must be two people in there at all times.
-How do you communicate with the air traffic control?
We communicate with radios, which there are three of on the airplane in case one breaks. We can also use a data link, which is almost like text messaging. There’s a small computer on the airplane where we use the data link.
-How do you sleep/stay awake on a really long flight?
I drink water and caffeinated drinks to try and stay awake. And on long overseas flights, there are little bunks on the plane for the crew to lay down and sleep.
-What are the challenges?
There are an infinite amount of rules and regulations that I have to follow, along with a schedule to make sure we depart and leave on time. There’s also unpredictable weather to deal with. I have to be a good leader in order to organize my team, flight attendants, fuelers, people loading the bags, etc.
-What is your full title?
My full title is Flight Officer for United Airlines. Also, retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force.