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United Methodist Church Accepts LGBTQ+ Community


Jacob Francy, '26

On May 1, the official Methodist Church announced the leaders decided with a 692-51 vote to finally reverse the 40-year ban on homosexuals in their clergy. This is a major step in the right direction for America and religion itself.

In 1984, the Methodist Church banned “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from becoming members of the church, and later added performing or celebrating same-sex unions to “a list of chargeable offenses that could result in a church trial.” But, now the church has evolved into a more modern stance, with 71% of Americans in support of same-sex marriage. 

The issue as a whole truly began in the 1940s. In 1946, a large group of clergy leaders began to translate the now-RSV Bible (Revised Standard Version). This was the first-ever record of the word “homosexuality” in the Bible. The group translated 1 Corinthians 6:9 which included Greek words: ‘malakoi’, which means “lazy or decadent” and ‘arsenokoitai’, which is roughly translated to “male bed”. While some believe arsenokoitai would easily be alluded to “bedding a man”, the King James Version of the Bible clearly states that it more clearly translates to “abusive, predatory behavior and pedophilia” rather than homosexuality. Ever since that one error in translating the Bible, millions of people across the world have denounced the act of being in love with someone of the same sex. 

Scientists have even entered the debate, claiming it’s perfectly normal. According to the Nature Channel, over 1,500 known species consistently engage in homosexual acts. It includes all main groups from invertebrates such as insects and spiders to vertebrates like fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This has led to the hypothesis that homosexuality is completely natural, and it’s a mistake to judge others for something they cannot control.

Thanks to the Methodist Church’s new opening up to Queer people in their 12 million-person following and to the rest of the world. Hopefully, other denominations will follow in their footsteps soon as Christianity tries to keep up with modern times and beliefs.


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