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Student Poem Series


Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The Ideal School - Anna Catherine Jones, '26

The ideal school is safe.

A school is no place to learn when you are expected to be brave


Brave like the elementary students in the Covenant shooting.

Six innocent victims, parents' voices fluting.

Why should a child need to fear for their lives?

A school is no place to learn when you don't know if you will survive.


Survive to say the names of the 20 children killed in Uvalde,

20 children's lives spared while the cowardly policemen waited in the hallways.

Surely, the ideal school would lock entrance doors, always?

A school community should uplift their students, reinforce kindness,

Let that remind us of April 20, 1999

15 students died.

Died why?

Because of a community that bullied their peers.

The negativity that drove 2 boys to end a school year,

Mean comments that resulted in eternal tears.

The ideal school is one where teachers are not expected to use their bodies as shields

Let the children live past nine years,

Let the mothers not fear,

Let lockdown drills never be mistaken as real.

After March 27, 2023, our hearts turned to steel,

The families of the victims will never fully heal,

The reality of school shootings became ever so real.

The ideal school prevents violence,

Erases fear,

And creates a safe place for children to prepare for their future careers.

Inside the Barriers of Governance - Gabbie Snell, '25

Inside the barriers of governance

a maze-like account is found

Where the history and tradition of stubborn decisions,

have undergone years of depicting and limiting women

For time

And time

the ideas of control have been instilled into societal stereotypes that women are supposed to live up to

What if I had no choices because you decided how I live?

I’ve been tied up in the chains of the lies that men tell

They try to tell us we have freedom

But I can’t even speak without being called a “dumb slut”

What if I could not work?

What is the point of these hands

The same hands that help carry

The weight of the world

The same hands that make sure that there is food on the table

The same hands that teach my children

The same hands that care and love for the people around me

What if I could not vote

Vote for my life

My family

My future

What if I can not be who I was meant to be

Because I am a women

I go back and forth with the choices

The choice

To Live

To Breath

And to Believe

Maybe this isn’t only

A man’s world

Is There Really An Ideal School - Katie Ann McCanless, '26

We’ve been talking about the “ideal school” all year

But is there really an ideal school?

Why do we want an ideal school?

Because we’re human.

Some would say they want all the kids to learn the same things at the same time

But what about the children who are smarter they could go into honors

Or what about the children who don’t get in then they feel stupid

Should we strive for equity?

Or should we strive for equality?

Why can’t we agree on one way things should be?

Because we’re human.

At the same time everyone should be treated the same

But don’t people who have been oppressed deserve extra?

But then why do those who haven’t been oppressed get less than those who have

But everyone won’t always be treated the same

Because we’re human.

There will always be someone prettier

Someone smarter

Someone richer

Someone who’s more popular

Someone who’s more athletic

And that’s just how the world is

We’re just all different than each other

Because we’re human.

We’ll never fully agree

We’ll never be fully equal

We’ll never be perfect or ideal

But we can always try

Because we’re human

The Perfect School - Gabriel Dean

The Perfect school doesn’t exist…

I mean what even is perfect

Well, the dictionary says that something perfect has no faults

But how can something have no faults?

I mean we feel to this fallen world from God’s own home,

So how can anyone say that something is without fault?

The Perfect school doesn’t exist…

We’re all human

We know what human is

But what about all the times we hate others because of their skin?

How can, Humans, create the perfect school

When we fight over who owns who,

And gets to live the next day too?

The Perfect school doesn’t exist…

With the political climate of today

Nothing is getting agreed upon by the leaders of today

For they come for power and not for the people that built them up,

That gave them a platform to help better the world

But no

Nothing gets fixed

The Perfect school doesn’t exist…

A school could be the most accepting school on the planet

But it couldn’t be perfect.

But how could this be?

If everyone can get accepted then what is the problem?

Well, what about the space it would occupy?

Where would it be?

How they choose, who they choose

Cause it’s not laid out like Blue’s clues,

Something you can easily figure out,

Because of all of the factors to pick someone from a crowd

Some people get skipped on how they go about their day-to-day

Living life like it’s just a game

Maybe no hope for the next day

Thinking they’ll somehow earn their way to fame

But that’s not going to happen

No, it never will

Because someone thought they weren’t good enough

That they shouldn’t get chosen

Because they aren’t perfect.

The Perfect school can never exist

With people and their vices

Making many sacrifices

To take action for a bad cause

To not take action for a good cause

People have accidents

Good and bad ones

But everything has a fault

So nothing is perfect.

So if nothing is perfect…

then how could there ever be a perfect school?

The perfect school doesn’t exist…

But what if we change the meaning

From flawless to complete

This complete school could exist

Not a flawless one

But a complete one

That could exist.

This complete school could have all you’ve ever dreamed of

All the classes you’ve ever wanted

All the opportunities you could possibly get

That could exist

Don’t talk to me about the cost

But this perfect school could exist

Where life feels complete

And not something that makes you feel robotic

Without flaws

Making you get better,

Day after day,

Night after night,

Because you are becoming more complete

Pushing towards completeness

Because that can be possible

Not flawlessness

That is impossible

That’s why that version of the “Perfect” school never exist.

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