With the football season just beginning, the cheerleaders and dancers have been hard at work to perfect their skills. Whether it’s tumbling, stunting, or learning a new dance, the cheerleaders and dancers have been very busy prepping for the first few games. The dancers drilled a new jazz dance, and the cheerleaders practiced their spirit-filled routine.
The cheer and dance teams were anxious about their first performance but felt so proud of how well they did. The hard work paid off. Their routines were a great success, and so were the first football games this season. The Ensworth football team is 3-1 after their first four games. The Tigers crushed Evangelical Christian School (44-0), Christian Brothers (44-10), Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (21-9), and Memphis University School (27-17). Their only loss so far was the tough match against Baylor (17-35).
Win or lose, the student section has been so hyped! They have rocked the black-out, jungle, and red, white, and blue-out themes. With four more home games left, be sure to watch the Tigers at home in two of what are certain to be the most exciting games against both Brentwood Academy and Montgomery Bell Academy.
- Caryss Green