We all know the very popular cookie store, Crumbl. Crumbl is known for its weekly changing menu and very interesting cookie flavors. Today, since the menu is ever-changing, I will be rating popular and interesting flavors based only on how they look!
Dirt Cake

I think that this looks super good, but looks sort of basic. I think it would be good with the gummy worm, but other than that, it looks like it would just taste like a normal chocolate cookie with chocolate bits. Overall, it looks like nothing special, but I would still eat it. 8/10
Rocky Road

I think that this looks so good, especially with the marshmallow fluff flowing out of the cookie. However, I don’t think that the nuts (at least it looks like nuts) look that good, so that I will knock off a point for that. Overall, I would love to try this cookie! 9/10

This looks like something I would see at a Denny’s. I think the syrup and butter looks super realistic and really give that waffle feel. However, I don’t think that a cookie that tastes like a waffle sounds good at all. 7.5/10
Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake

This looks tasty; the only thing I would say could be gross are the random chunks of strawberries in the frosting. I don’t see how this is related to cheesecake. Instead, I think this would be better as something like a chocolate-covered strawberry. 9/10
Cereal Milk Sandwich ft. Pebbles Cereal

This looks so amazing, but I might be a bit biased since this is my all-time favorite cereal. I’ve actually ]\ had this flavor before, and I thought it was really good. The milk-flavored glaze was delicious. I would 100% eat it again. 10/10
Chocolate Crunch

This looks absolutely terrible. I wouldn’t eat this if it was given to me for free. It looks like a cross between a rice crispy that has been forgotten about and an overly chocolaty pill of granola, both of which sounds disgusting. -200/10
Buckeye Brownie

This looks fine, except for the frosting. There is a massive mound of frosting in the middle of the cookie, and that’s all there is. So, you get no frosting for the majority of the cookie, except for in the middle where you get way too much. 4/10
Hawaiian Rainbow Cake

This one looks cute, but I know it would be absolutely disgusting. I mean, with all the food coloring and the MASSIVE amount of frosting on just the one cookie, I know that 75% of just one bite is going to be the extremely sweet frosting. 2/10
Cotton Candy

This looks super sweet, so much so it looks like it would give me a toothache after one bite. The frosting looks a bit like toothpaste and the little bits on the top look like it would be super off-putting. Crumbl cookies are already so sweet, even without the cotton candy. 6/10
Pink Donut

This cookie looks SO good and just like a donut. Since the frosting is royal icing, it makes the cookie more enjoyable. The frosting doesn’t seem thick at all or super sweet like Crumbl’s regular frosting. Plus, I love the hole in the middle to make it look more realistic. 10/10
Cinnamon Swirl

This looks really yummy and really gives that cinnamon roll vibe. The brown sugar in between the minimal frosting (finally) is the perfect addition to make it taste like a cinnamon roll. Crumbl better bring back this masterpiece asap! 15/10
- McKenna Adams