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How Early is Too Early for Christmas?


One of the most popular debates at the moment is if decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving is too early. Decorating for Christmas has increasingly gotten earlier and earlier, some even arguing that it is fine to decorate in late October. This increase in decorating early for Christmas has intensified the yearly debate on how early is too early to decorate for Christmas.

A small number of people argue that it is fine to decorate for Christmas in late October. Balsam Hills’ Chief of Marketing, Jennifer Derry stated, “Christmas lights are versatile and can go up as early as Halloween.” However, most people believe that Halloween and Christmas should never mix, and people should wait until the trick-or-treaters are done.

While there are those pre-Halloween Christmas decorators, the main debate is based around Turkey Day. Many people believe that November 1st is officially Christmas season. There is scientific proof that there are benefits to putting Christmas decorations up early. According to Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown, putting up Christmas decorations makes you happier and reduces stress. People who decorate earlier are seen as more friendly when interacting with strangers than people who wait.

Even with the discovery that decorating for Christmas has many positive benefits, the majority of people still prefer waiting until they’ve had their turkey and gravy to decorate. In a study done by Treetopia, “The average American puts up their Christmas tree 4.5 weeks before Christmas, which comes in right after Thanksgiving.” I asked some Ensworth after-Thanksgiving Christmas decorators why they wait to decorate. Some answered that their family hosts Thanksgiving, so their family thinks it's best to keep the Thanksgiving theme. Others believe that the Christmas season is plenty long, and Thanksgiving should have a chance to shine.

With all of this, it is up to you to decide which side of the debate you are on. The most important thing is that you are doing what makes you enjoy and love the holiday season.

- McKenna Adams


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