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Fast Facts on Faculty


With Ensworth being a school built on the concept of community, growth, and transparency, why not have a little fun with it? We polled Ensworth’s faculty with questions we couldn’t help but wonder. To say we received some interesting responses is an understatement, so we’ve decided to compile some of our favorite responses below.

What was the worst job you ever had?

During college, I worked at a funeral home. My job was to bury people after the graveside service. -M. Dyer, tech

Abercrombie & Fitch. - O. Salazar, History

Working for a pet groomer.- T. Brogdon, Assistant DOS

I worked at Opry Mills the first Christmas season that it was open, and it was so chaotic and miserable. -B. Thomas, Service Learning

I worked at Honeybaked Ham for a short stint glazing hams. Needless to say I cannot eat ham from there. - L. Stewart, Counseling

Working at a deli in Philadelphia during Penn State football game halftimes. - JJ. Anthony, Counseling

What's a random fact about you that most people don't know?

I'm an amateur woodworker. I like doing anything that isn't staring at a screen when I'm away from school. - M. Dyer, tech

My family owns a farm with cattle (black angus) and we sell farm raised beef off the farm! -M. Cowles, Athletics

I am actually very tall. - T. Jackoboice, History

I danced in the Ronald McDonald Circus while in high school. I even danced in the lion cage.- P. Towle, English

I graduated high school when I was 16. -O. Salazar, History

I won my school's spelling bee in 8th grade.- D. Wright, History

I spent a month in the hospital in sixth grade due to kidney failure from eating a bad hamburger. - R. Herring, World Language

I rode my bike coast to coast one summer in college with three friends, some maps, and not much planning other than that. -. P. Stabler, Head of School

I was a librarian or I once weighed about 85 pounds more than I do now or my body temperature tends to run 2-3 degrees lower than normal. - K. Brown, English

I received 6th place at the Minnesota State Fair in their milk chugging competition. JJ. Anthony, Counseling

What is your 15 minutes of fame?

I performed in Carnegie Hall. - B. Knight, Admin Assistant

I was on the cover of a Christian rock album cover when I was in 3rd grade. The shoot was actually in Ensworth's Inman Gym. - P. Downey, Communications

I was on an episode of the Real World Season 2 in San Francisco - my college friend, Rachel, was a cast member and visited one weekend and ended up on an episode! - H. Bryant, Registrar

When Vanilla Ice pulled me on stage and I got a perfect selfie with him on a wind up camera. - T. Brogdon

I "rang" in the year 2000 (Y2K) on stage singing "Jesse's Girl" by Rick Springfield. -Z. Schneider, History

I was on TV for teaching a phone etiquette class for employees at Opryland Hotel. - B. Puckett, Development Coordinator

My induction into the Vanderbilt Athletics Hall of Fame. - L. Stewart, Counseling

Winning the Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Scholarship had my picture in magazines, newspapers, and on display at Disney World. - JJ Anthony, Counseling

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Celery. What is the deal with celery? - T. Jackoboice, History

Chicken feet. - S. King, Math

Either a sea slug or cuy (roasted guinea pig). - K. Boles, Math

Pork knuckle. It was excellent. - A. Berry, English

Guinea pig - tasted like chicken! - R. Herring, World Language

Rattlesnake. I don't recommend it. - P. Stabler, Head of School

Mopane Worms in Zimbabwe this past summer; they're essentially caterpillars. - K. Brown, English

What fashion trend do you regret?

Shorts, t-shirt, and a trench coat. I was sure that people who saw me thought that I would look like Sting from the cover of the album "Englishman in New York". Nope. - T. Jackoboice, History

Leg Warmers and Aqua Net- B. Knight, Admin Assistant

Wearing board shorts everywhere... I never had real pockets.- O. Salazar, History

Dying my hair goth black or getting my nose pierced in college.- T. Brogon, Assistant DOS

Big 80s Hair!- K. Boles, Math

The is still regrettable. -Z. Schneider, History

Bleached blue jeans. - D. Wright, History

I wore pink cowboy boots for most of elementary school. I wore them with windsuits, with bike shorts... I don't think that was a trend, though. Just a personal failing. - A. Berry, English

What is your guilty pleasure TV show?

Gilmore Girls!- S. King, Math

Veep or Dr. Pimple Popper. - J. Miller, English

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. - P. Stabler, Head of School

Do you have any hidden talents?

I'm a qualified master gardener for the state of TN. - P. Towle, English

I can juggle better than Owen. Actually, I cannot, but I can juggle. - D. Wright, History

I can tell you the name of almost any bird you see in the USA. - P. Stabler, Head of School

All of my talents are on display all the time. - K. Brown, English

What do you pretend to hate but actually love?

Inflation- T. Jackoboice, History

Arguing. - P. Towle, English

Krystal. - P. Downey, Communications

Taylor Swift. - Z. Schneider, History

Freshman. -J. Miller, English

What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

Southern fried potatoes and white beans mixed together with mayo and a slice of onion with a slice of cornbread with butter!! YUM, YUM!!!! -M. Cowles, Athletics

Wasabi peanuts, cheddar cheese, and dark chocolate chips. Don't knock it till you try it.- S. King, Math

Sushi and french fries.- K. Boles, Math

Chili and peanut butter. - A. Berry, English

Oyster pudding. - JJ Anthony, Counseling

Do you have any famous ancestors or family members?

My great grandfather Stowers was the sheriff in Macon, Mississippi and used a horse to jump over a flatbed train. (It was pretty big in that small town). -B. Knight, Admin Assistant

My grandparents wrote Rocky Top, Love Hurst, most of the Everly Brothers song - Bye Bye Love, Wake Up Little Susie and more. - H. Bryant, Registrar

According to a relative, we can trace our lineage back to Mary Queen of Scots. - B. Thomas, Service Learning

I have a great uncle Angus who was a street fighter. - J. Miller, English

A distant cousin created and wrote the show, The Waltons. -R. Herring, World Language

Did you learn something surprising? Was there something that made you see someone in a different light? We hope so! If anything, we hope that reading some of these responses brought you some humor and joy before the end of this semester. Ideas for future articles? Please shoot us an email!

- Parker Stack, Editor


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