Mrs. Towle - Head of Newspaper
Ah, high school - a time of discovery, friendships, and unforgettable experiences that stay with us forever. Every memory, from heartwarming to cringe-worthy, shapes who we are today.

And now, as we take a trip down memory lane, the high school faculty recounts some of their most embarrassing stories from high school.
**Some have chosen to remove their name.

In 9th grade Geometry, we were studying proofs. The teacher wrote a problem on the board and asked what law was illustrated. I was very excited to know the answer for once - because I rarely did - and when he called on me, I confidently answered, "CONTRACEPTIVE!" Obviously, that was not the answer he was looking for (CONTRAPOSITIVE). This was a small private Christian high school too. I was mortified! -Anonymous

During my high school graduation ceremony, my buddy sitting next to me bet me 20 dollars that I wouldn't trip off stage after they called my name. So, in front of the 652 other kids graduating that day and all the family and friends in attendance, once they called my name I "tripped" off stage, and everyone got a good laugh. I got 20 dollars! Seemed like a win-win to me! -Joe Hanson, Security Officer

I fell asleep stretched out on the floor watching the movie Slaughterhouse Five. I woke myself up with the loudest fart ever. I opened one eye, checked to see if anyone was looking at me, and moved to a chair. -Anonymous

I was trying to impress my crush when we were at the beach by showing off my surfing skills. Instead of walking into the water before I started paddling, I tried to jump over the shore breakers with my board extended in front of me. A wave hit the bottom of the board, and it flew up and hit me square in the face.
I had a bloody nose and busted lip. She didn't go to prom with me. -Oscar Salazar, History

My most embarrassing moment took place my senior year at Ensworth in Señor Herring's class. We had breakfast day, and I pigged out as we students tended to do whenever biscuits and gravy and waffle bars are available. I had El Cine after lunch and fell asleep in class. I woke up to the loudest noise ever, and the entire class staring at me. Turns out I farted so loud I woke myself up! The noise reverberated off the wooden chairs and shocked the entire class. People laughed and made jokes the rest of the day! lololol -Ashley Glotta, Seminar

My high school was a very old building that did not have bathrooms clearly marked indicating whether they were for women or men. On my very first day of school my freshman year I was so nervous that I could not stay out of the bathroom. After homeroom I ran to the nearest bathroom, arriving before any other students. I was in the middle of using the last stall nearest the door when I heard several male voices in the bathroom... and then they noticed my feet under the stall. I heard one of them say, "There is a girl in here!" I was mortified, so I waited for them to leave. Thinking the coast was clear, I finished my business and scurried out, only to find them waiting for me outside the door! Several times that day I ran into them in the hallway and then proceeded to point and tell everyone that I was the girl that was using the boys' bathroom. I recall this like it was yesterday. I actually still remember what I was wearing. To this day I get anxious in public bathrooms.- Heather Caponi, Associate Head of School

I was in the musical Peter Pan, and we had just performed for the elementary school on a field trip. We had to quickly go back to the high school and change to go back to classes. It started raining as we ran from my car to the school building, trying to get to the theater dressing room to change. The goal was to get there before the class bell rang and everyone walked out into the hallways (trust me, we looked strange). But the bell rang too soon, and we ran down the hall as fast as possible. There's a reason why people tell you to avoid running in the hallways; I slipped in my wet tights and slid 20 feet on the floor as all the classes let out. I eventually stopped in view of a massive amount of students with my costume over my head, my butt in the air, and three other friends in costume standing over me, gasping and laughing. I think about 200 people saw my backside at that moment, and that was when I decided you just have to laugh at yourself to get through the day. - JC Johnson, Photography

One time, I was driving to an interview, and I was stuck in typical traffic. I'm the type of person that HATES to be late, and all I kept thinking was how being late was going to ruin my chances of getting hired. I'm less than a mile from my destination, and I landed behind the slowest driver. I started to honk at them, throwing up my hands aggressively, so they could see my agitation from their rear view mirror. As I approached the parking lot, the person in front started to turn in as well but ended up being what I like to call a "slow turner." About to implode, I started honking again, this time yelling profanities with my window rolled down. As soon as I parked my car, I realized that the slow turner also parked and appeared to be going into the same place of business as me. And wouldn't you know, that person would be the one who got the sheer privilege of being my interviewer! Although mortified, I somehow landed the position, and I spent the next several months both apologizing and having a good laugh.- Paige Towle, English

I once fell asleep in class--neither abnormal nor particularly embarrassing--except that I fell asleep with my eyes open. I wasn't spaced out; I was full-on asleep with dreams and everything, but looked awake. When I suddenly came to, every person in the class was turned toward the back of the room staring at me, the teacher was poised expectantly, and the guy in front of me was whispering "Andy Griffith! Andy Griffith!" urgently under his breath. "Andy Griffith?" I said, and apparently that was the right answer to whatever was happening, because the teacher got all excited at my brilliance and moved on, distracting everyone from me long enough for me to make sure there wasn't drool on my face.
It was a Bible class; I still have no clue what Andy Griffith has to do with the book of Mark. - Amanda Berry, English

When I was on my school's version of Out West, we went on a hike up Lembert Dome in Yosemite National Park. When we got to the top, we were on a smooth granite structure with little to no tree cover. That is when I realized I had to pee, and of course there were no bathrooms available. I immediately went to my teacher and asked to be excused down the mountain to go pee. I took my friend and began to run down the dome to where there were more trees for privacy. I did not make it to the tree line, as I began to pee myself as I was running down the dome. I had to change out of my hiking pants and wear my friend’s rain pants for the rest of the day.
When we got back to the group, my friend and I told everyone that I had fallen in mud. It was the middle of September in a drought-ridden California, so I don't know how we thought that was a good cover story. However, I swished around in my rain pants for the rest of the hike and quietly hoped that no one questioned it. (They totally questioned it.) - Izzy Burns, Science
Have a story of your own to share? We’d love to hear from you! Simply click the “Contact” button up above, and send us your story for next month’s publication.