To be frank, I don't think I’ve ever enjoyed driving. I love having Siggy, my dear Volvo, for the privilege of transportation she provides and the softness of her seats, but it's time to let go of our relationship. Part of the reason I decided to go to a city for college (well, you really never know exactly where you might go with college, but you know what I mean) is because of the public transit. Every time I step into my car, I always feel like I’m going to just hit something one second, and that’ll be it. It’s an undercurrent of dread, but not so debilitating I can’t get my butt to Advisory every morning. Though, it's not for lack of trying. I would estimate I drive about an hour and thirty minutes on my commute each day, and I am sick. I’M SICK. I put my hours in, but something about cars just revs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the hot sweats of stress that spike through my back every time I get on the highway. Maybe it's the existential dread and utter claustrophobia that sinks in during rush-hour traffic. All those cars cramped beside you, and you think about fruit flies stuck in a small cage and how people in cars are no different. Maybe it's the trauma of my one and only wreck being in the center of the Ensworth senior lot and getting ragged by my friends and acquaintances alike mercilessly for the following few months. I don’t know where it started, but someone please get some bus system stops out here at the good ole Ensworth High School. Riding on public transportation is more environmentally friendly than taking single-person cars to-and-from school each day, you can make new friends on the bus, and get to learn about the city of Nashville in an intimate way. When I’m not at school, you can catch me riding the WeGo Metro purple busses downtown. Siggy, you know I appreciate all you’ve done for me over the last three years, but I’ve found someone else.

Thank you, Siggy, for your time with me, but I can’t wait to sell you back to the car dealership. It’s just not working out, and I won't miss you.
- Parker Stack, Editor