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DeSantis, Newsom Debate


Jacob Francy, '26

Fox News hosted what every 2028 American voter was waiting to watch: a pre-match-up. Florida Governor and 2024 Republican Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis squared off against California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is expected to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2028. The two polar opposite Governors had been calling out each other on social media, so they both decided to settle it live on national television.

  • Newsom Defends Biden, Shares Forgotten Facts:

    • DeSantis started out quickly into the debate by confronting Newsom about the possibility of him taking Biden’s place in the 2024 Democratic nomination for President, “You’re running. Admit it.” Newsom responded with one of the most played clips of the night, citing their one “similarity”, “Neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024.”

    • Newsom then went on to back up Biden’s job as President, “Fourteen million jobs, 10 times more than the last three Republican presidents combined.”

    • DeSantis, like usual, seamlessly transitioned the conversation to immigration, “[Newsom] is a guy who says the Biden administration is not lying to the public about the border. They are lying to you.”

    • Newsom then pointed out DeSantis’ past actions within the last year of sending buses of migrants from the Texas border to Martha’s Vineyard. He said DeSantis did it, “so that [DeSantis] can out-Trump Trump.” He kept going, “And how’s that going for you, Ron? By the way, you’re down 41 points in your own state,” Newsom said.

  • DeSantis Gets a Chance to “Face” a Democrat, General Election Practice:

    • With Trump skipping all of the Republican Primary debates, DeSantis has had limited practice facing real competition to show his worth to voters. This was his chance, and he took it straight for MAGA supporters.

    • He repeatedly used Newsom as a stand-in for Biden and called the California governor “slick.” He told the audience, “[Newsom] wants you to believe him over your own lying eyes.”

    • Newsom shot back saying, “Joe Biden will be our nominee in a matter of weeks. And in a matter of weeks, Sean [Hannity, the Fox News moderator of the debate], he’ll be endorsing Donald Trump as the nominee of the Republican Party.”

Both Clash on Abortion

  • Newsom highlighted DeSantis’ signing into law a ban on most abortions in Florida after six weeks of pregnancy. He told DeSantis, “So extreme is your ban that criminalizes women and criminalizes doctors that even Donald Trump said it was too extreme.”

  • When the moderator asked DeSantis why he signed the bill, he said he believes “in a culture of life.” Ultimately, DeSantis never answered Newsom’s repeated questions on whether he would sign a national abortion ban into law, which raised questions by the media after the debate.

  • Newsom was then asked if he would support any limits to abortion rights. He said he supports abortion rights, also noting that late-term abortions are “extremely rare.” He explained, “It is an extreme, extreme exception. It should be up to the mother and the doctor and her conscience.”


I spared you, the reader, the headache of including all the childish name-calling and verbal pillow-fighting in between statements as best I could, but this event was yet another example of how our country has become so divided simply due to misinformation.

DeSantis has definitely solidified his spot in 2028, but certainly, Former President Trump will take the nomination for the Republicans this election. Newsom has shown his skills and his ability to fight against a big Republican, so this could easily count as his launching party for the 2024/2028 Democratic Presidential nomination. Either way, we will be seeing both of these a lot more.


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